In this fiction packet I found that the stories were extremely interesting to read. The stories were all full of details that really got you following the story because the details were what told the story. The stories weren't about what was being told, but more about the details that were telling the story. The stories were detailed in a way that you can see what you were reading just by the details. I think this made this type of writing so much more enjoyable to read because you were actually able to envision it and the best part is that what you were envisioning was a mixture of what the story was telling you and what you see from what you are reading. I have read many books before they come out as a movie and I find that most of the time the characters I picture in my head are completely different than the ones that end up in the movie, which is so cool! It lets you inside others head and imaginations that way too.
The one story that particularly stood out to me was the story "Misdemeanor" because it was not only detailed, but it was hilarious. The main characters in the story are known as "The Waitress" and "Old Man" and it gives his side of the story in the very beginning saying that he a tough ex-con, but as the story unfolds by the Waitress we see that he really isn't a tough ex-con, but a man who didn't know much about how to successfully commit a crime. The details of the story make you think of this silly old man trying to rob a bowling alley and as the story plays out in your head you have to giggle to yourself. The very ending is what made me really find the story hilarious, because the waitress says "Thank god he wasn't trying to steal horses." It just makes me picture how the attempt to steal horses would have gone for the man.
The other stories in the packet were also filled with details, the other story I looked at closely was Molibi. The story is basically a big description of her and how she isn't like the rest of the women where she is from. They describe her as all elbows and knees where the other girls are heavy on the hips. It says in the story that they are also heavy on the adjectives which was comical since the whole story was full of adjectives. It was different from the first story because of the content, but I liked that I could see the detailed writing in more than just one context. It will be something that can help me to be more detailed in my writing because I've been able to see it in different contexts.
good responses here the past few weeks. Keep going!